This morning I got up and had not heard a peep. I went downstairs to check out the situation and they were all sleeping. Some were standing up sleeping, and others were all laid out fast asleep. I turned on the basement light and instantly they woke up and were chirping. I decided to put down fresh paper towels and add fresh water. I came back down a few hours later and as you can tell from the picture below, they really make a mess. Food spread all out, and poop everywhere!
We’re still trying to figure out who is who. The chicks came with a few marks on their heads. We are assuming the Buff Orpington, with the blue and orange stripes, is the only rooster we bought. The other ones we think are Orpingtons have a single orange mark on their head. If this is the rooster, he does sit a little taller than all the others. He also has done the most “pecking” and keeping others in line.
Another look at the top of the possible rooster
We also purchased
-4 Barred Rocks.
Barred Rock
-4 Rhode Island Reds
Closer look at the Rhode Island Red.
RI Reds feathers
and 2 White Leghorns and 5 Buff Orpingtons. It is so hard to tell the Buff Orpingtons and Leghorns apart.
White leghorn or Buff Orpington
White leghorn or Buff Orpingtons
As the days go by we’ll find out who the rooster is, that is unless another one sneaked in.