Author Archives: Brock

What Are the Chances?

The other night around dusk we were out doing our rounds, letting Joey out and checking to make sure the chickens got inside before the automatic coop door closed. We were heading up to the house from looking at the creek and something on the ground just happened to catch Abby’s eye.


Cousin Jeff D, who farms back in Logan County, has quite the collection of arrowheads he’s found while farming his land & thinks it might be from the Late Woodland era. That would put it around 1000-2000 years old! I’ve started reading up on the different era and types of arrowheads.

Spring Has Sprung

I went to burn some boxes early this evening and startled something in our brush pile. It startled me more than anything. Turns out a mallard hen has finally found a spot to nest and built a nice little nest on top of the brush pile! We have a couple pairs of mallards show up every spring and we watch as they scout out nesting spots around the property. Last year we discovered a nest on the ground and put a trail camera on it. Unfortunately the racoons found it and raided that nest. Here’s hoping they don’t find it this time and we have some ducklings paddling up and down the creek this spring!

2 More Eggs

I checked on the chickens earlier today and two were hanging out near the nesting boxes and I think another one was in one of the boxes. We checked the boxes when Abby got home and there were two more eggs laid!

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So since one of them is white that means a leghorn laid it. The other egg is a darker brown than last night’s brown egg. So it seems we might have 3 of the breeds laying now. The eggs are still pretty small compared to a store bought Large egg.

Here’s a comparison picture with the first egg, the two from today, and a store bought Large.



Day 16

We’re a little more than two weeks into this adventure and the chicks are getting big fast. They’re at least twice their original size and look even bigger when they spread their wings or stand up tall. We added some height to the broader to prevent escapes as they like to stand on their new/bigger feeder and waterer. There’s lot of flitting about and sudo-flying across the broader. They confront each other and I suspect that is them literally figuring out the pecking order. It doesn’t appear that the rooster is aware of his role just yet as he acts much like the hens for now. Feathers are becoming more apparent on their bellies and tails.

Rooster comb

Rooster comb











The Leghorn and Buff Orpingtons, who looked very similar early on being as they were all yellow, are now starting to show their differences in color. The Leghorns are now mostly white with a little yellow and the Buffs are mostly still yellow.

Leghorn comb

Leghorn comb

Leghorn tail feathers

Leghorn tail feathers


Barred Rock comb

Barred Rock comb

Barred Rock toes and belly down/feather transition

Barred Rock toes and belly down/feather transition

We do have one Barred Rock that has had some sort of an issue that became apparent in week 2. We first noticed the other birds pecking her more than usual and it appeared that she was blind in her left eye. She’s always been a little smaller than the others. This past Sunday it was more apparent that she was struggling so we separated her and have watched her more closely. She appears to now be blind in both eyes and has a reddish patch on the left of her head around her ear/eye. She was walking in a circular path in only one direction yesterday but isn’t doing that today. We’ve done a lot of reading on this and are thinking about some things to try. The best guess we have is that its some kind of an ear infection. For now we dip her beak in her electrolyte/vitamin water. She doesn’t appear to eat when we’re around but she’s pooping so she’s eating something. Hopefully she ate a bit of the scrambled egg we gave her as its reported to be an excellent source of important vitamins for chicks.

Chick Hospital

Chick Hospital

They're getting big

They’re getting big