Monthly Archives: August 2016


The chickens have been laying about 8-10 eggs a day. We have been recording the color and how many eggs we get a day. The Leghorns are the easiest to track since we only have 2. We have been getting about 11 eggs a week from them. A couple of brown eggs have had double yolks. I know of 4 so far.

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The chickens will eat just about anything. I cleaned up the cauliflower from the garden and within hours this was completely gone! We also throw grass clippings into the fenced area to watch them scratch around. They love finding the bugs in the grass.


We are almost certain every chicken is laying an egg. We have four different breeds so four different egg colors. We are not certain but think the Reds and the Rocks are still getting the swing of things. Here are a few other pictures just for fun!

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